The Problem: Writing and research can be time-consuming and tedious tasks, often involving manual processes that drain productivity. Higher Ed students, educators, researchers spend an average of 13 hours per week searching for and organizing information from various sources, including PDFs.

The Solution:

  • AI-Powered Writing Assistant: Leveraging LLMs, this tool writes your papers and essays for you, citing accurate sources, proper grammar, saving you up to 5 hours per week on writing tasks.
  • Text Extraction and Search: Quickly locate relevant information within PDFs, reducing research time by up to 50%.
  • Annotation and Organization: Highlight key passages and organize your research seamlessly, eliminating the need for manual note-taking and saving up to 3 hours per week.
  • AI and plagiarism detector: Ensure every word is your own with our AI and plagiarism detector which detects your AI levels and plagiarism in your text and checks for other writing issues.